14th Amendment News

John Anthony Castro's 14th Amendment Lawsuit

2023-10-08 18:57:00 - 79 words - 1 min

This lawsuit didn't seem serious enough to mention in the initial post, but a tax consultant named John Anthony Castro filed a lawsuit under the 14th Amendment in Texas to get Mr. Trump taken off the ballot.It's mentioned now because the Supreme Court has declined to hear the case:A federal judge dismissed Castro's lawsuit in June, finding that he couldn't show legal injury, which prompted him to appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court.

Initial post

2023-10-08 15:20:00 - 657 words - 4 mins

This is the initial post of the news blog, which will summarize the situation up to the present.Prior to August 14, 2023: Prior to August 14, 2023, it was known that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment could arguably preclude Mr. Trump from running again for the presidency. For example, on November 24, 2022, the New York Times published an opinion piece with the title: "Is Donald Trump Ineligible to Be President?" It discussed the fact that Representative David Cicilline of Rhode Island drafted a Congressional resolution enabling the use of Section 3, and quoted him saying: This is America.... more